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04-02-2011 08:17 PM

寻找童年夏天的静美已逝时间 - 草屋Caowu.Cn 感情文章
  树上的知了声声叫着夏天,夜风拂过脸颊,花香沁人肺腑。“稻花香里说熟年,听取蛙声一片。”繁星点点, 小小村落,安静的夜,偎依在外婆的怀抱里。树影婆娑月光交织,在美好的故事中进入甜美梦乡… …
  现在的那片乡土,已经被高楼大厦所代替。城市的夜空华灯残暴,车辆咆哮而过,脚步促,早已经不习惯再仰 头看天上的星星。偶然一个人趴在窗前,牛郎与织女隔河遥望,星空不禁黯然泪下。宁静的夜,沸腾的思路。逝水 流年,不禁感慨那些丧失的美妙。有些处所,来了又去;有些事件,阅历了又忘记;有些友人,相识又陌路&he llip;…­
  现在的我忘记了快乐,那些口是心非的话,委曲的笑脸。每个人都一副面具,现在都已是骨肉相连。那年夏天 里街边的小商店,一角钱多少块糖足以让自己乐开怀,奇迹私服。望着橱窗里的玩具,流连忘返后也只有扫兴的走开。回到家父亲教的纸飞机,放开手空中的飞翔,只是现在已经 忘却怎么折的了。本人亲手折的田鸡,能够蹦的很高,遗憾的是不会“呱呱”叫。抽屉里的弹子总感到比阿姨的钻 石戒指还可贵,坏了的玩具枪还是留着,奇迹私服。蓝天白云间那一道飞机精美的弧线,高高的举起双手吆喝着。雨过天晴,空气中土壤的清爽,天涯的彩虹桥,止 境会有宝藏吗?
  现在的我时常会觉得寂寞,人来人往,留在身边的朋友未几,无聊时也只能到虚构的网络世界里玩玩传奇游戏 。那首熟习的歌谣,跳到的音符,动听的旋律,谁人来合?童年里那片开满野花的原野,暖暖的向日葵,绿油油的 禾苗,随风飘散的蒲公英,你折的照相机记载下我们纯挚的笑颜。夏末的小河里有打捞不完的小鱼小虾还有贝壳, 划破了手掌忘了痛,持续我们的“渔业工作”。冬天下过雪,打雪仗、堆雪人,玩的是不可开交。结了冰的鱼塘, 自制的冰车,天空里久久回荡着我们的欢声笑语,香港六合彩开奖结果。放学后飘荡红围巾,快乐的时间属于我们。捉迷藏老是找不到你,丢手绢你偷偷的放在我身后,跳大绳误伤了你 还是微微笑……如今那些花儿也不再开,从前的我们哪儿去了?当初的我们都在为 学业或事业而奔走,会晤也只是匆匆一笑而过。曾经玩“过家家”的你,已初为人母了,经营着一家小店。虽是良 久不见,在心底唯有深深的祝愿你……
  曾经的认为世界很俏丽,没人流眼泪,信任所有梦想都会实现。记得那个夏末,爸爸妈妈为我穿上新衣服,背 上新书包,送我去学校。两层高的教养楼,诺大的校园,一片梧桐林。新颖的人,新鲜的事,从此开始我的学生生 活。那时候为何就能那样的简略,做个听话的孩子,当真的学习,不错的成就。老师想必是每个人童年都有过的幻 想吧,之后又想成为受人敬佩的迷信家,或是解放军捍卫祖国边境……设想是一种 快乐,做一场属于自己的梦,不用想太多。年少时的轻狂,是长大当前的伤感。当付出不必定会得到回报,妄想与 事实的差距。不得不看梦想的翅膀被折断,曾经的美好四分五裂,奇迹私服,不再相信还会有童话。分开校园已经有一个月了,还没找到适合的工作。入夜了又亮,梦做了又碎,又该何去何 从?
  那年夏天,记忆里的最美,奇迹私服。回想里童年的点点滴滴,未曾有过的伤感,岁月微微的把他们都送来。也许,这些仅仅只是序幕罢了。好想好想 让时钟停留,再回到那年夏天。有你,有我,还有他,咱们的曾经…&hellip ;
  已是夏末,落花有意流水无情,所有都仍是怅惘。招招手离别那年夏天,兴许放弃才是刚强的一课。不要再去 想他们领有漂亮的太阳,我该废弃遥不可及的幻想。从新简约的开端,动摇着盼望去闯。穿梭风沙,痛并快活着。 笑傲人生,勿流泪。

w5zy2nq7fq 04-02-2011 10:18 PM

Anhui nothing, just out of a Hu and Wu Bangguo it -
said no, that is just out of a Chen -
said no, that is, there is a cuisine Anhui cuisine eight only -
said no, that is, out of a history of Lao Zi it -
said no, that is, there is a good point just over five mountains of Huangshan it -
said no, that is, out of an emperor only -
said no, that is, a group called the Hui people are more able to earn it -
said no, that is designed out of a Chery car engine in addition to just the first in China. -
said no, that is, rice paper, Hui ink, Vision T, called the four treasures She Inkstone it. -
said no, that is, out of a blue sky Bao Zheng people say this is just. -
said no, that is, the top ten tea accounted for only four. -
said nothing, just do a little sun only man-made. -
said no, that is, there is a \-
said no, that is, many people like to sing Huang Mei only. -
said nothing, just took a piece of China's first Olympic gold medal it -
said no, that is, Tu Yu's ancient country (this Huaiyuan) are present -
said no, that is, there is a Yang Hefei pity. -
said no, that is, Shi Yongxin of Shaolin Temple is just. -
said no, that is, Cao Cao, Zhou Yu and others more famous in the three countries only. -
said no, that is, there is a China University of Technology only. -
said no, that is, there is a \-
said no, that is, Liu wrote a \-
said no, that is just out of a Hu -
not talk about culture, Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Ji Kang, Liu Ling, Dai Shi, Fang Bao, Liu, Yao Nai, Wu Jingzi, lun, shui, Tao laughed! -
that people are not thinking of Anhui Province, Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi, Jiang Shang, Guan, Zhang, Liu, Huan Tan, Zhu Xi, Li Shan Cheung, Zhu L, Fang Yizhi, Dai Zhen, Wang Mao Yin, Chen, qian, Wang Jiaxiang, Hu, Zhao laughed! -
that people do not write poetry Anhui, Li Shen, Zhang Ji, Du Xun, Mei Yao, Shi Run chapter, all the lakes laugh! -
that people do not write lyrics Anhui, Zhang Xiaoxiang, Acquisition of poetess laughed,上海团购! -
said that Anhui will not draw, Gonglin, Jian Jiang, Xin Painting laughed! -
said that Anhui will not opera, Cheng Changgeng, Yan Fengying laughed! -
Anhui ancient science that can not, Wang Fan, Zhu Chen, Cheng Dawei, Mei Wen-ting, Wang Chen-meter (women) laugh! -
Anhui unpatriotic
said Yao Ying (to defend Taiwan), Wang Xipeng (Dinghai one of three taking part), Nie Shicheng (killed in the war of aggression against China Boxer Rebellion) laughed! -
said poor communications, represented laugh! -
Anhui people do not understand that science and technology, Deng Jiaxian, Ren Xinmin, Wu Yang of laughed! -
that there is no general, the English cloth, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lu Meng, Huan Wen, Xu Da, regular book, Hu Zongxian, Ding Ruchang, Liu Ming-chuan, Feng, Fang Zhenwu, Zhang Zhizhong, Wei Lihuang, XJ Shen, Li Kenong, Hong Xuezhi , skin Ding, Sun Li-jen, Dai Anlan laughed! -
that do not love sports, Xu Haifeng (Olympic zero breakthrough) picked up the gun, Jiang Tao (Asian champion left) out of the fist: seeking death he? ! -
that can not sing, Zuhai, Zhang Yan, Xie Xiaodong, Xie Yuxin laughed! -
said no beauty, O shows almost Jiangdong two Joe? -
that guy is not handsome, always call the shots Hu: Who says I am not handsome? A young man more handsome only! -
said Anhui Anhui Light will say so, CCTV Zhou Tao Minzui and laugh! ! ! -
that people will not do business Anhui, Hu (Hongdingshangren), Zhou Xuexi (a par with Zhang Jian), all of the merchants are all smiles! -
Anhui landscape
that bad, Mount Huang, Tianzhu, Chaohu laughed! -
that there is no Nobel Prize winner Chen Ning Yang said: I am your grandfather when you hang it? -
that we do not
Anhui Anhui good ... ... all laughed

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