buisness5119 |
04-02-2011 02:14 PM |
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise PowerShell isn't
As some other bloggers mentioned yesterday, Microsoft’s newly released PowerShell command-line shell and scripting language doesn’t currently work with Windows Vista. According to the download site, Microsoft Office 2010 Home And Student, PowerShell works with Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1. The folks over at Bink.nu note that PowerShell is working with Vista Release Candidate 1. But the PowerShell version that will run on the gold version of Vista version is still “at least a number of more weeks” away, the bloggers said. Some corporate users who have been eagerly anticipating PowerShell are not happy. “It took them five years to finish the product (Vista),” one tester, Microsoft Office 2010 Home And Student, who requested anonymity, Office 2010 Activation, said to me today. “It’s not like they didn’t know it was coming.” And before anyone says the final version of Vista isn’t available yet, it now is. Microsoft has made the Vista Business and Enterprise versions available to its volume licensees. The bits are not yet on MSDN, Office 2007 Ultimate, however.Update: Courtesy of Jeffrey "PowerShell" Snover himself: "We've had many questions about when Windows PowerShell will be released for Windows Vista. We plan to release Windows PowerShell 1.0 by January 31st, Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise, 2007."