wulilixr |
04-01-2011 07:02 AM |
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the wall and the ramparts stillremained, newports cigarettes, and red crumbling fragments lay scattered around. Here itwas that Sir Bugge, after the architect had left him, said to one ofhis men, cheap newports, "Go after him and say, 'Master, the tower shakes.' If heturns round, kill him and take away the money I paid him, but if hedoes not turn round let him go in peace." The man did as he wastold; the architect did not turn round, tobacco golden virginia, but called back "The towerdoes not shake in the least, but one day a man will come from the westin a blue cloak- he will cause it to shake!" And so indeed it happeneda hundred years later, for the North Sea broke in and cast down thetower; but Predbjorn Gyldenstjerne, the man who then possessed thecastle, cheap marlboro cigarettes, built a new castle higher up at the end of the meadow, andthat one is standing to this day, and is called Norre-Vosborg.